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Bee com app to mine coins and earn money

Bee com app to mine coins and earn money

The bee com currency was launched from Hong Kong, it is now in the second stage, and its community has reached two million a week. It will be listed in the market after the third stage. app - Explain mining and profit from the new digital coins

To mine the currency, download its application, and enter the referral code for the program to run.

Referral code : rq7k

How to work When registering, click on the image of the bee and he will start mine and collecting the coins for you. Every 24 hours, enter once and press the mining button. It does not consume the battery. You can go out and return whenever you want.

When you put it into circulation in the future, your chances will now rise

What is Bee com app ? 

BEE com is a network based on mining by smartphone. The greater your team, the more you have to increase your mining rates, and thus increase the rewards. The number of subscribers in this network has increased, significantly to 1 million recently users. The greater the number of users whenever mining, and early join this network may be an opportunity.

Bee Network

Of course, you log in with your friend, you benefit from points, he opens with you, the application and you install your own user, which enters through your user will benefit, and you earn 25% of every one who enters through you.

The most important thing, when creating the account is to put the invitation code rq7k, and this is very important, and mandatory because without it you cannot join this network. The following invite code, will help you to join this network and earn 1.000 Bee Coins for free the invitation code ..

How to register with bee com coins

  • We download the program from the Google Play application.

Download from here 

  • After downloading the application we log in.
  • The way the program works after downloading it, you will be asked for authentication either through the Facebook account or the phone number. After that, two boxes will appear for you, the first in which you write your name and the second in which you choose the name you want and it will be your code. Next rq7k.
  • To start profiting from the application, simply press the bee button in the center of the screen and the mining will start for 24 hours.
  • You have to re-press the button every 24 hours to complete the mining.
  • Knowing that you can invite people close to you and promote your own code to increase the profit rates in your account.

The program allows you to collect a digital currency, with the press of a button and without any effort, and the more your team increases, the more you produce the currency, you can not start using the program, unless if someone invites you to his team, use the rq7k code to enter my team, the currency has a great future, God willing and advised It has dealers, in the early investment field, such as Bitcoin, whose price has reached more than $ 41,000. The program is used by more than 3 million, users and the number is increasing. These days, currency production is fast, but it will decrease after a while. If you start from now, you will guarantee faster production. The first time you register, it will give you 1,0000 currency and the more your team increases, the more you produce.


Read also :  Earn money
