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How to restore Instagram account 2021


How to restore Instagram account 2021

How to recover your Instagram account when disabled, stolen or deleted 2021

Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, and losing access to your account, can be a terrifying scenario for many users. Being cut off from your friends and community is one thing, but losing years of photos and videos can be devastating. Fortunately, restore your Instagram account is not very difficult in most cases.

To help you through the process, we have created this easy way to guide you to recover your disabled, hacked, or deleted Instagram account.  Depending on your condition, account recovery may take a few days or a few weeks.  Let's get started.

Why was my Instagram account disabled?

There are a number of reasons why an Instagram account may be disabled, and moderators often strike without any kind of warning. You will know that your account has been disabled, because a pop-up message will notify you the next time you try to log in.

Note that this is different from not having the correct password / username for your account ("The password or username is incorrect"). If this is the case then entering your email address, or phone number and resetting your password, should fix the problem within a few minutes, unless you have been hacked which we will get to in a little while.

Posting illegal activities, hate speech, nudity or graphic violence will disable your account.

Instagram doesn't provide exact guidance on why accounts are disabled, but it says it's a result of violating community guidelines, or terms of use. In general, things like illegal activities, hate speech, nudity, and graphic violence are the basis of the work. Frequent violators may also find their account permanently deleted without recourse possibility.

The good news is that it is not very difficult to restore your Instagram account if it is disabled. It might take a few days, but that's nothing compared to the months or years the photos are in your account.

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How to recover a disabled Instagram account

When you receive the dreaded Deactivated Account message, the first thing the app asks you to do is learn more. This will somewhat guide you, through the process to recover your disabled Instagram account, although there are a few other tricks we'll get to in a little while.

Run the prompts in the app, but bear in mind that in order to recover your Instagram account, you must go through the appeal process. The only way this happens is if it was disabled by mistake. Saying that you are sorry for breaking the rules, and promising not to do it again just won't cut it.

Be persistent. You can file petitions multiple times a day until you recover your account.

Another place where you can submit appeals is this official contact page. Simply fill in the required fields and click "Submit" to review your case. Again, avoid apologizing as that means you were wrong. You may be asked to submit a personal photo as verification at some point in the process.

You can repeat the appeal process as often as you like until, you get a more lenient medium. Assuming you didn't intentionally violate any major rules, it shouldn't take more than a few days to get a response. Don't be afraid to be persistent and you'll eventually get your Instagram account back.

How to reactivate an Instagram account

A few years ago, Instagram added the option to deactivate your account temporarily, when you need to take a break from the social media platform. It can only be done via a mobile or computer browser (not the app), but it will remove all of your content and show that the account has been deleted completely.

However, it is very easy to restore your deactivated Instagram account. Simply log in again on any device, and your account will be reactivated automatically. Depending on how long you've been away, you may need to agree to any new terms and conditions that have been in place since you left.

How to recover a hacked Instagram account

Instagram accounts are a frequent target for hackers. They may seek to gain access to private accounts, attempt to sell your username, or aim to steal your personal data for other nefarious actions.

If you suspect that your Instagram account has been hacked, you should take action ASAP. The longer the hackers access your account, the more damage they can do to your privacy and your reputation online!

The first thing to do is check for an email from Instagram saying, that the email associated with your account has changed. This is the easiest way for hackers to gain control of your account. However, if you can find the email, you can immediately reverse the action.

If you cannot find the email, there is another option to fix it before it's too late. , Click Get help signing in (on Android) or Forgot your password? (On iOS). You can then enter your phone number to send a temporary login link. Follow the instructions from there to regain access.

If this results in regaining access to your account, you must immediately change the password and revoke the access granted to any third-party applications. You may also find that you are now following some new accounts. Don't worry about it until after your account is secured. It wouldn't make a difference if you unfollowed them now.

How to Edit Privacy Settings

When all else fails, you can still report the compromised account to regain access. Do it by following the steps below, and don't be afraid to be persistent.

How to report hacked

On the sign-in screen, tap Get help signing in (Android), or Forgot your password? (On iOS). (Android only) Enter your username, email address, or phone number and tap Next

Click Need more help? And follow the instructions on the screen.

As part of this process, you'll need to send you a photo, with a security code to verify your identity. To reduce the chance of a hack again, make sure to turn on two-factor authentication as soon as possible.

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Can I recover a deleted ?

If you or someone with your login information deleted your Instagram account, you will not be able to get it back. For this reason, you need to be very careful when sharing your login information with friends and family. And if you receive an email about suspicious activity, take it very seriously and change your password.

Although you cannot recover a deleted Instagram account, you can create a new account using the same email address or phone number. You will not be able to use the same username, nor will you be able to recover any followers or photos posted.
